Division Head
Adrian Nava, P.E., CBO
Assistant Director
Public Works Role
This section provides services and operates as a service organization that facilitates land development for Kern County.
Services include:
- Engineering
- Surveying
- Building Inspection
- Code Compliance
- Floodplain Management
- Sewer Information
- Development Review Claims & Legal
Kern Co. GIS & Mapping Support
We also coordinate the mapping needs throughout the County.
Kern County Mapping (View all available map types)
- Alquist-Priolo
- Case Maps
- Corner Records
- Corner Ties (Swing Ties)
- County Roads
- Filed Maps
- Government Plats
- Miscellaneous Surveys
- Parcel Maps
- Record of Survey Maps
- Sales Maps
- Seismic Hazard Atlas
- Street Intersection Ties
- Tract Maps
- Zone Maps